Aeon Capital is a boutique investment bank that specializes in corporate finance, secondary market transactions, and strategic advisory services. We work with corporate clients to find the best ways to finance growth and help them prosper. We assist individual shareholders with finding buyers and selling their shares. Additionally, we provide guidance to help our corporate clients grow their companies.

What We do
Aeon Capital Provides A Number Of Services
We offer comprehensive and creative solutions to raising capital through a combination of debt and equity for public and private companies.
Our investment banking business aims to serve uncommon companies with compelling growth opportunities. It is our belief that capital should enable growth companies to focus on innovation while providing an opportunity for investors to participate in their success.
The Capital we bring to a client often comes from partnerships with strategic investors, private equity firms, or high-net worth individuals. These investors are looking to invest in relatively established companies that have moved beyond founder financing and are now positioned to become significant players within their industry. We help ensure clients get the capital they need from investors who are passionate and can help clients grow.
Aeon Capital facilitates the buying and selling of shareholders ownership in privately held, venture-back companies. This creates an option for shareholders to sell their stock before it goes public, or is acquired. The desire to sell shares may emerge for many reasons including personal changes in an individual’s financial situation; differences amongst founders and executives on when to achieve liquidity; employee departures; diversification; tax / estate planning; or expiring options.
Like any private company transaction, working with the right partner will not only improve the likelihood of success for the seller, but may also bring benefits to the company itself. Working with investors that have experience in secondary transactions, are knowledgeable about venture capital investing, and understand the company and its industry are paramount.
When deciding on a partner, you should consider Aeon Capital because:
- Our reputation in the investor community
- Our sector expertise
- Our transaction experience
- Our access to dedicated capital and ability to close the transaction
- Our potential to execute sizable transactions
- Our long-term relationships
- Our ability to manage confidential information.

Aeon Capital’s team consists of more than bankers. The Aeon team has experience raising money for their own companies and is sensitive to all of the issues and complexities involved in fundraising. It is important to identify the right partner, beyond simply raising money. Having been accountable to boards ourselves, we know that capital has non-financial costs as well as benefits.
We also understand and execute our transactions around an investor-driven process, assisting entrepreneurs with understanding and fulfilling the demands of investors. Recognizing that once an entrepreneur receives capital from outside investors, they are now responsible for performing on behalf of, and reporting to, their shareholders. We work closely with our clients to ensure that they, and their business, is prepared to take on sophisticated outside investors, that proceeds are used correctly, and the company meets all regulatory and compliance standards, as well as best-practices. By leveraging this practical approach to capital raising, we ensure our clients are poised to take their company to the next level of growth.

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